Training AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT Basics English | ICN Solutions

Training AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT Basics English

This training enables you to produce professional two-dimensional technical drawings.

foreknowledge: MS Windows
Certificate: Autodesk certificate
Teaching material: Autodesk AutoCAD book

Training duration: 4 days
Suggested price: € 1.050 (ex. 21% TAX)

Includes lunch and teaching materials. Excluding 21% VAT

Content Course AutoCAD & AutoCAD LT


  • Start up AutoCAD
  • Toolbars, toolpalettes & pulldown menu’s
  • Use of keyboard/mouse
  • Drawing commands
  • The XY coordinate system

Working method of the drawing commands:

  • Different possibilities of entering distances
  • Drawing (poly) lines, rectangles, circles, arcs, etc.

Edit commands:

  • Possibilities of selecting and deselecting elements
  • How the edit commands work
  • Modifying elements with Erase, Copy, Move, Rotate, Mirror, Trim, Extend, Offset, Chamfer, Fillet and Array

Drawing settings:

  • Limits (afmetingen tekenvel)
  • Layers with linetypes and colors, properties, Quickselect
  • Object Snaps, Snap, Grid en Ortho
  • Zoom and Pan
  • Working with multiple drawings
  • Set up a basic drawing (template)

Blocks (symbols):

  • Creating, modifying and using blocks
  • Blocks in other drawings
  • Set up a library

General agency settings:

  • Add frames and drawing heads
  • Create, modify views, various scales
  • Setup plotter, plotting and plotstyles

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